This is a call to arms! Net neutrality is coming and it will change the face of the internet, for the worse, forever. Our government is essentially trying to nationalize the internet as a public utility and take it over. This does not mean the internet will be free, it means it will be under the control of the government. It will also make our Internet speeds as slow as in Europe (Bedard). Those are two very BIG reasons to say no!
Sign the petition to stop Net Neutrality:
We don't have much time left either. They are about to vote on this thing on Friday! What makes matters worse is we can't even see what they are voting on until AFTER they vote on it!
The government is not good at providing services. Just look at the Department of Motor Vehicles, the Post Office, Social Security and Obamacare. Do you really want to trust the United States government to not only provide you with excellent internet speeds, but to not use their newly found power to crush any descent. They did it with the IRS! This is usurpation of power!
Please sign the petition:
Don't allow the government to destroy the first amendment by allowing them to control speech on the internet as they do on the radio! Will they suddenly start deciding who's opinions matter and who's don't? Will they start telling us bloggers don't qualify for "freedom of the press" rights? We all of course have this absolute right and it doesn't belong to "the media."
In Liberty,
Mack Worley III
Bedard, P. (2015). Obama's regs will make Internet slow as in Europe, warn FCC, FEC commissioners | Retrieved February 25, 2015, from